Deeside 1 - Bowdon Killer Bees 10

Once our glorious captain ('Little Fat Elvis' via Nick West) had re-arranged our cancelled re-arranged game we were off to the very friendly and pleasing location of Deeside Hockey club.

I decided that after spending what seemed several days glued to the toilet seat it was probably a good idea to volunteer for goal duty. Little did I know how comprehensive Bowdon's attack would be and how little I would be needed.

Deeside fielded a mixed age side which ranged from teenagers to the oldest member at Deeside who was 81! Therefore the game was going to go one of two ways and it went spectacularly our way! By half time Yokker had managed 5 goals but had also blatantly missed several in order to evade a double jug fine. Andy on the other hand was making hard work of getting one goal to his name and hit the metal work during a very rare Killer B penalty flick. Post match conversations revealed that the flick was a very much improved attempt from the first two as those had pee rolled along the ground. Fourth time lucky Andy!

In the true spirit of Bowdon we gave them Mr Phillips at half time to see if that would improve their situation. Even "turn the game around from a point of no return Phillips" couldn't turn it around! My only real action as keeper was giving Ol abuse as I watched an attempted clearance by the afore mentioned Little Elvis back spin and go wide of the post by an inch!
I would name all the other goal scorers but the list is long and you know who you are. The final scores on the door was a well deserved 10 - 1.

Special mentions need to go to Jammy for his solid midfield performance and to Lord Grant for his usual 100% commitment when he threw his ankle in front of a ball to stop it hitting me on my pads. How thoughtful is that!

Paul El Darbo 3rd