Bowdon Killer Bees 7 - Manchester Leigh 0

A refreshing victory for the Bees against a downcast Leigh side. After last weeks debacle the team had a point to prove, two in fact! Firstly that we were, at heart, an astro team, and secondly that we like to play at home sometimes. Fixture secretary, take note pls.

Prospects were not looking good ten minutes before the game with no goal keeper and no keeper's kit! After an unsuccessful attempt to pursuade our professional keeper Mr Marshall into the role, distress flares were answered by Gary Campbell. With more people helping him get dressed than the Queen gets, he was soon looking Robocop-like, resplendent in Harry the Cat's own kit (Insurance value £1.5M). Say what you like but he certainly looked the part!

Leigh had not managed to field a strong side with a mixture of early teens & late... er... octogenarians. Several players had just finished being on the receiving end of a good whupping from Bowdon IIIs & were looking slightly knackered, but we always appreciate it when other clubs go the extra mile to field a full side against us, so off we went... Once the Bees gained confidence as the superior side we relaxed & played more fluid hockey, with the ball being passed around with considerably more dexterity than the previous week. With a spatter of goals before the halftime whistle (at the right end! Huzzah!) and an inspirational halftime speech by yours truely, the Bees started the second half confidently, and apart from a lapse in concentration in the middle ten minutes, continued to dominate the game. Despite demonstrating a complete inability to score from numerous penalty corners, something the Bees have been getting better at recently, we finished with hatricks from Yokker & Dave Taylor, plus a sneaky one from Giles. At the other end Gary kept a clean sheet, probably just by looking intimidating...

The weather was one of those crisp dry and sunny days when you are glad you are outside playing sport rather than sitting in a smoke filled pub watching it (Later... ... ). Even Swithers came out to play for the last fifteen minutes, reminding us that forwards are allowed to go faster than 5 mph after all! Everyone enjoyed themselves by playing better than last week (the only way was up!) both as a team and individually, and 'cos we won of course! Nothing deep about us lot...
